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Empathy Articles

Stories and practices for promoting empathy in our lives everyday

Active Listening

Active listening Active listening means fully concentrating on listening to what is being said verbally and non verbally, as opposed to simply hearing what is being spoken. It is the fulcrum on which empathy depends, and the key to generating...

Carl Rogers: Empathy MVP

Who was Carl Rogers? Carl Rogers (1902 - 1987) was the father of Humanistic Psychology. He believed that for a personal to grow psychologically then three conditions were necessary. These conditioner are genuine, acceptance and empathy - which...

What is Everyday Empathy?

In our increasingly fractured world, the ability to connect with and resonate with the experience of others becomes increasingly valuable. The key to this type of skill is empathy. What is Empathy? Greek ‘em’ ———> ‘in’       ‘pathos’———> ‘feeling’. Empathy...


